Individual Therapy in Folsom California for When You are Feeling Stuck

Build Resilience and Lower Overwhelm

Anxiety| Relationship Issues| Parenting

Individual Therapy – EMDR – Depression, Grief & Self-Esteem – PTSD, Trauma & Loss

We’ve all felt stuck at times.  Like we don’t know how to make things better. You’ve tried everything you can think of but your anxiety, sadness, anger, or relationship issues are still there and aren’t getting any better.

It can be so frustrating!

It seems like all that you do (and you do a lot!) is never enough. The anxiety and other overwhelming feelings are impacting so many parts of life and you just want things to feel easier. 

It’s even impacting your relationships. When you look around you can tell your relationships are unhealthy. But you have no idea how to change them.

 It seems like everyone else has their lives together, so why don’t you? You’re not even sure who you are sometimes.

It would be so nice to feel seen.

You want to know so badly what the steps are to get to a better place emotionally, in your life and relationships. You want to be able to move forward, to know what to do when the anxiety or anger becomes too much.

To get back to feeling like “I’ve got this” again.

Get back to feeling like I have my life together and I’m not the only one falling behind. You want to feel like your relationships improve your life not detract from it.

To feel like you can take the steps towards your goals that are actually going to get you there.

At Soul Journey Therapy we help people who are feeling stuck and need support with:

ADD/ADHD Addiction Anger Anxiety Autism Burnout Co-dependency Communication Compassion Fatigue Coping Skills Depression Divorce Eating Disorders and Body Image Family Conflict Gender Identity Grief and Loss High Conflict Couples Infertility LGBTQIA + Issues Life Coaching Life Transitions Loneliness Low Self-Esteem Neurodivergence OCD-Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Panic Attacks Parenting Postpartum Anxiety and Depression PTSD/CPTSD Relationship Issues Sensory Processing Disorder Social Anxiety Social Skills Sports Performance Stress Trauma and Complex Trauma Women’s Health Womens Issues Work-Life Balance

There is help. 

Therapy is an amazing tool to help you get back to your true self.

We know because we have witnessed this impact in our lives as well as the lives of our clients. We love to watch our clients step back into who they are meant to be.

At Soul Journey Therapy we want to help people see their own internal self-worth as well as have a greater understanding of themselves and the other people in their lives.

In therapy, you will feel heard and really seen. It’s time to kick those feelings of worthlessness to the curb and realize how amazing you really are! (really!) 

Let’s help you find your value and worth. Rediscover yourself and what it feels like to create healthy relationships with friends, family, and your romantic partner. Learn to set limits and honor your feelings by giving them room to breathe.

Growth and change occur when you are willing to learn more about how you relate to yourself, others, and the world around you.  

At Soul Journey Therapy, your therapist will act as a support for you in this journey.

We can navigate this together. You don’t have to do this alone!

The types of therapy that you might experience at Soul Journey Therapy are;

Individual Therapy Specialties

At Soul Journey Therapy because we are a group practice we work with most issues you might seek therapy for. But we have a couple of areas where we particularly shine. These are areas that we are particularly passionate about and where we have sought out extra training.


The constant overthinking and rumination has you both mentally and physically exhausted. You’ve been like this for so long that you have no idea how to slow down and stop.

Sometimes you are less anxious but eventually it comes back again. You’d love to know what it’s like to really relax.

How do you help your mind calm down so that you can enjoy life again?

At soul journey therapy we take a holistic approach to anxiety. We help you learn new habits and skills. We help you explore your past and heal from any negative experiences that might be driving some of your fear.

We’ll help you learn to trust yourself and the world again.


When something big happens in your life whether once or over and over it impacts every part of your life.  If you are interested in how we help you work through your past check out our EMDR/Trauma page here.

Relationship issues-

You might be struggling with one particular relationship or with all of them, either way, you are confused about changing what is happening. You are overwhelmed by the possibility of losing people you care about and you aren’t sure how to stop this from happening. 

You want to feel valued and seen as your authentic self. Like the people around you want to be around you.

We can help you change the current dynamics in your relationships and help you get unstuck whether we see you individually or as a couple (for more information about couples therapy check out our page here). 

We can help you to get to a place where you feel seen and heard by the people in your life.

We also work with couples check out our couples page here.

Eating Disorders-

You are starting to worry about the behaviors you’ve been engaging in around food. Your brain never stops thinking about what you are or aren’t eating and what you look like.

Part of you knows this isn’t healthy but you don’t know how to stop it. 

 It feels like a different part of you has taken over and you feel out of control.

At Soul Journey Therapy we can help you get back to yourself.  Learn to let go of the obsessions about food and weight, so that you can really live your life again.


When your child is struggling it’s hard to know what to do. 

Check out our teen page here.


The things that have happened in the past can have a lasting impact on our lives without intervention.

Check out our trauma/EMDR page here to see how we can help


No one told you how hard this was going to be.  Everywhere you turn there are differing opinions and somehow you are expected to decide what will be the best for your child. 

You might be drowning in frustration.

Or find yourself constantly researching because you don’t know how to give your child what they need.

No matter what you are struggling with when it comes to your child we can help you navigate these waters and figure out how to be the best parent you can be.


It feels like everyone else was handed a manual for life and you somehow missed it. You move to a different rhythm, that doesn’t align with the people around you. So you hide parts of yourself to fit into a mold and expectations that just aren’t you..

Working against the way our brain works naturally leaves us feeling inadequate or “broken”, when in reality, we’re just being human.

At Soul Journey Therapy as neurodivergent-affirming therapists we believe there is no single or “right” way to be. Difference does not mean deficit.

 We are passionate about supporting neurodivergent individuals particularly diagnosed with ADHD and Autism (no matter how young or old, no matter when you were diagnosed) and their families. 

Many of our therapists are neurodivergent themselves and understand what it’s like to feel “different” and struggle to fit into a mold that wasn’t made for you.

When you work with a therapist from Soul Journey Therapy we will explore how your brain works and celebrate the things that make you unique. Helping you navigate life in a way that feels authentic and empowering.

We also work with neurodivergent kids and teens individually (link to kids and teens page) and in groups (link to groups) and neurodiverse couples. 

Law Enforcement/First Responders-

The job takes over your life and isolates you from your family and friends because no one but your coworkers have the same experiences as you. You are never really off and even when you actually have time where you can’t be called in, you are probably reliving something that happened in your head.

The job doesn’t let you go and it’s hard to let go of the job- really it’s your whole life.

When you work with a therapist from Soul Journey Therapy we help you keep the job and find balance in your life. Learn to reconnect with the people around you and yourself.

We also work with trauma through EMDR and couples where one member is a first responder.


It’s possible that you come into contact with people who don’t understand or respect the way that you live and love. In therapy you want a place where you can be your full self and not hold anything back.

You want a safe space from the judgement and criticism from people who just don’t understand.

At Soul Journey Therapy we are safe place for you to be your authentic self. We create time and room for the hurt, anger, and pain of growing up as someone others didn’t expect. We allow you to process the hard things that have happened in the past and the hard things you deal with today.

At Soul Journey we work with partnerships of all kinds check out our couples therapy page here.