Couples Therapy in Folsom California

Strengthen your relationship or recover from infidelity/betrayal

Build Intimacy | Develop Trust | Increase your Bond


At the beginning of your relationship, you felt unconditionally loved, supported, valued, and like the two of you could take on the world. 

Relationships have a way of bringing out the best and worst in all of us—including how each of your pasts affects how you relate- you’re hitting struggles that leave both of you hurt, disconnected, alone, angry, and betrayed. 

Instead of the two of you against the world now it feels like it’s you against your partner. 

You feel stuck in a cycle that the two of you can’t get out of on your own.

Issues you thought were long gone are resurfacing and it feels like your partner is purposely rubbing up against old wounds. Whether it’s on purpose or not you find yourself responding in anger when really you’re hurt. 

This doesn’t have to be the end

Couples Therapy can help, set up a free consultation

At Soul Journey Therapy we provide Couples Therapy for Couples who are Experiencing or Impacted by:

Love is a practice, and in order for it to succeed, it requires effort, patience, flexibility, and courage.

You want (deserve) to feel loved

Part of you knows in order to have the relationship you want you both need to be committed to honesty and self-reflection.

It will be a lot of work but it’s possible to build a relationship with respect and compassion for each other. If you have to fight* you’ll resolve conflict in a way that connects and doesn’t drive your relationship further apart.

A relationship where you support each other and make healthy choices together. Build each other up and connect in a way that helps build a stronger bond each day.

You can create a space where the past isn’t controlling your interactions, where the two of you feel like you can team up against the world and be successful.

You’d love to put your defensiveness and reactivity aside so that you can be vulnerable with each other and each of you can feel heard.

*"All couples have conflict. But how you show up for each other and interact while facing stressors and conflict will either bring you closer together or further apart." -Heather Moss LMFT

There is Hope.

Things might feel hopeless but couples therapy can help

With support and new tools, your relationship can become an amazing opportunity for growth for everyone involved.

You want the fantasy sold to us all in the movies, but In reality, the authentic relationship you want involves trial and error, upheaval, and transformation.

At Soul Journey Therapy we tailor couples therapy to each unique couple. 

We provide therapy to all, including couples who are;


  • Neurodiverse

  • First Responder

  • Newlyweds to Emptynesters

In Couples Therapy at Soul Journey Therapy your relationship is the client and we take its side.

We try to understand each person’s experience and past to explore how they’re impacting the relationship. 

We enter the room with empathy, compassion, insight, and a bit of humor. Through this lens, we start by teaching you to communicate more effectively. 

We help you safely identify and share feelings. Recognize needs that are not being met so that you can communicate them to your partner.  

Through all of this, you learn how to better connect and work together as a team.

In couples therapy, we work towards your (the couple’s) specific goals but for most couples, we also work on:

  • Nurturing your relationship

  • Improving intimacy both emotional and sexual

  • Learning to support each other as individuals

  • Breaking patterns and cycles that no longer serve you

  • Discovering ways to maintain and grow your bond

  • Communicating mindfully (staying in the moment)

  • Healing trauma that may be causing issues through EMDR

  • Building empathy 

During the reconnecting process, we focus on helping you understand one another better, practice resolving problems, and make small specific agreements. You’ll build a lasting and loving relationship by becoming more emotionally attuned to one another.

Happily ever after doesn’t just happen…. It takes energy and effort.

At Soul Journey Therapy we help you learn where to focus your energy so you can have the relationship you want.

Couples Therapy Specialties

Infidelity Recovery for Couples-

When one partner in a committed relationship is unfaithful it can be devastating for the relationship. It can turn the betrayed partner’s life upside down leaving our world feeling chaotic, confusing, and emotionally unstable/unsafe. We feel isolated, jealous, and have so many questions.

Not only does the betrayal impact your feelings about the relationship but it also impacts your feelings about yourself.

The betraying partner may feel confused and overwhelmed. How do you help when you have hurt your partner so much?

At Soul Journey Therapy we work with all kinds of betrayal/infidelity including:

  • Affairs- when one partner becomes involved in an emotional and physical attachment outside of the original relationship

  • Emotional Affairs- one partner becomes emotionally attached to another person

  • Cyber Affairs- may take place through sexts and chats but never happen in real life

  • Sexual Affairs- Physically cheating

  • Object Affairs- Neglect of the relationship for an outside interest like work or a hobby

The definition of an affair can vary from couple to couple. Often an affair occurs when one partner breaches the previously set boundaries of the relationship whether verbally discussed or assumed.

An affair can end your relationship but it doesn’t have to..

Some couples can repair the relationship either on their own or with the guidance of a therapist.


We know the things that happened in our past can impact our day-to-day life. But now it's affecting your relationship.

Interactions that start as a small miscommunication get blown way out of proportion and reactions are more extreme than they should be. All of the sudden one or both you are reacting defensively and you don’t understand why. 

Sometimes you or your partner also seem completely checked out and not all there. It feels like the relationship is being pushed away but at the same time being desperately clung to. 

Both of you want to get back to feeling connected, and a relationship that is a loving, stable, calm space that you both desperately want, need, and deserve.

In couples therapy, we’ll help you understand and heal from the hurtful things that happened in the past so that they no longer interfere with the relationship. We’ll help you understand each other. From there you can build a stronger foundation where you can grow together and communicate with empathy. 

The two of you can have the healthy dynamic that that you crave. 

Neurodiverse Couples-

The difference between the way the two of you engage with the world has been making it harder and harder for the two of you to connect. The way your partner behaves or communicates leaves you feeling uncared for and ignored.

The differences between you are making it difficult to receive the love and understanding that each of you deserves in your relationship.

Sometimes it is so hard to see the other’s point of view and understand where your partner is coming from.

Couples therapy with a therapist who understands neurodivergence can help you to get back on the same page, to help you understand each other's needs, and to learn to communicate in a way that leaves both of you feeling heard.


First Responder Couples-

As a couple where one member is always on for their work, when that work is all-consuming, and dangerous it makes being present at home significantly difficult. 

As the partner you know to make plans expecting that they won’t be there and it’s just a bonus if they are. You spend parts of your day worrying they might not make it home. 

As the First Responder you want to be present in your family and you are trying but the pull from work is always there even if when you are supposed to be off. If you are off it’s easier to just check out.

The stress impacts the connection between you and your spouse- you react bigger than you mean to over little things.

You want things to be better.

But it feels like so much of this is just part of the job but how do you keep it from ruining your marriage?

In couples therapy for First Responder Couples, we work with the stress and trauma (with EMDR) that is part of the job and help you figure out how to make it sustainable as a couple.

Just as each relationship is distinct from another, the process of recovering from infidelity will vary...

Couples Struggling With Addiction-

Addiction can leave one or both partners in the relationship feeling desperate, and overwhelmed. Watching our partner get sucked into addiction and the consequences to both our lives while we sit by helplessly can be devastating. 

The temptation to hide what’s going on and save them from the consequences is really strong.  On top of that, add on the lying and sneakiness. 

How can you trust them again?

Couples therapy can help you both figure out your roles and how to move forward whether there is recovery from addiction or not. 

New Parents-

The lack of sleep, privacy, and time that comes from new parenthood is life-changing especially for your relationship. Taking care of this new human can be all-consuming for one or both of you.

Where does your relationship fit in all of this?

You can feel the connection you had slipping away but you don’t know how to draw it back. Or the disappointment in how you have each navigated this change has been intense and you aren’t sure how to get back to feeling good about your partner.

With Couples therapy at Soul Journey Therapy, your therapist will help you to reprioritize your relationship and learn to love each other again.

If you are interested in couples therapy with Soul Journey Therapy


We provide virtual telehealth and in person sessions call 916-761-5492 for free phone consultation.